Fox News: A 24/7 Political Operation

Fox News: A 24/7 Political Operation


  1. is media matters…george soros’ tax exempt media matters talking about FOX?
    FOX news commentators are clearly cut from the conservative cloth.
    MSNBC gets chills up it’s leg when obama speaks. so what?
    i believe americanss can figure out what station they want to watch without the guidance and dollars of g soros,

  2. @zacky89
    i don’t like colbert. i don’t like stewart. fox news annoys me with the the digital graphics all the time spinning and lighting, cnn is hapless, msnbc, well there is a reason that only 2 people watch msnbc.


    i choose to ride my skate board off a cliff with
    a “righteous wind at our back and hope and change
    in our heart”

    kinda like mexico, but bigger

  3. @zacky89

    Ohio State (my school!!!) did a study on Colbert and found that conservatives actually think Colbert is being honest… most didn’t get the satire at all, they thought it was just deadpan.

  4. @Craigipedia
    You can also find evidence of this during Bush’s years when Colbert was invited to emcee the national press club dinner for Prez Bush in, 2005 or 6, I believe. Bush actually thought Colbert was a conservative. What a hoot.

  5. Nothing here suggests Fox News is any more political than other media outlets. It simply suggests a view contrary to that of most progressive liberals.

  6. @PoetsLight I see what you did you showed ignorance. Media Matters isn’t pretending to ba a “fair and balanced” news organization. See the difference?

  7. @nikolai0114 I’ll suggest it. Fox News is by FAR more political than other media outlets. MSNBC never organized an anti-bush rally. MSNBC never gave a million dollars to the DNC. When an opinion pundit contributed to a campaign MSNBC suspended them because MSMBC has rules about that. Not so with FOX. There’s no comparison. What this video is PROVING is that Fox lies about it’s separation of opionion editoral and what it calls actual news.

  8. I can watch MSNBC all day and not hear anyone call anyone a communist, fascist, socialist or some other ridiculous “ist” word.. or in general bash any politician. Fox can’t go 5 minutes without bashing Obama or Democrats.

  9. @Callhermaam Um no. I haven’t noticed any of that because it’s a big load of crap. There ARE some things that one might reasonably consider a crisis going on. What I have noticed is that when he and the libs try to propose a reasonable soluton the Republicans block it, call him Hitler and do everything they can to sabatoge any hope for success of anything that might actually help this country.

  10. @2010GOP FOX has on opposing views for virtually every topic, everyday. What are these “opposing opinions?” People bashing Obama different ways? lol! Fox is not real news. YOU lose all credibility when you pretend it is. MSNBC has opinion programs but MSNBC doesn’t donate a million dollars to the DNC like FOx does with the RNC. MSNBC doesn’t constantly bash pubs the way fox constantly bashes Obama and MSNBC doesn’t lie the way fox does ALL THE TIME.

  11. Also I’m sick of people waiving around the “king of the mud puddle” flag saying Fox is number one in cable news…. So What? The most they have ever on any program is 3 million viewers. not even 1% of the us population is watching Fox news at any given time. The actual networks you know NBC, CBS, ABC absolutely kick ass over all the cable news combined. So being number 1 in cable news means crap.

  12. @GreatSatan1 Are you of the opinion that Fox delivers no news. None?

    Are you of the opinion that MSNBC does a better job of delivering the news?

    YES and YES. Just watch them. It’s been proven that Fox viewers are more misinformed about world events than viewers of other news outlets. I can watch CNN all day and not hear anybody bash anybody it’s just news. They report, Fox decides for you. They can’t go 5 minutes without shoving thier opinions down your throat.

  13. @freedomaxnews They admit they’re progressive? Who does? When? Do you have a clip of this? Hahaha I didn’t think so. You see we progressives believe things we see proof of. That’s why mediamatters has clips proving what they are trying to say. Repubutard conservatives just say things like “I heard” or “they say” And how exactly has “the left” damaged our liberties? Please be specific. and have something oh anything to support what you’re saying. I know it’s hard for cons to do that.

  14. @sinistar99 Apparently, GE, (former) parent company of NBC and MSNBC donated $1.1 million to Democratic candidates in 2010, with better than 60% of their total donations overall going to Democrats. Time Warner, parent of CNN donated 85%, or $536,000, of its contributions to Dems in 2010, and $2.6 million in 2008. I would highly recommend you do your homework, and not cherry pick data. All you have done is prove my point. Thanks!


  16. Well I have to admit, some of the other news channels are not too far behind. Just yesterday I was watching a news report that claimed, at the time of the report, which was 48 hours after the Iphone 5s was released, that the phones were regularly selling for 10,000$ on Ebay. I thought no fricken way, so I looked and most Iphone 5s were selling for 500$, but after looking at closed auctions found a SINGLE iphone 5s which sold for 10K, the next highest was 1100$. not cool!

  17. The reason why it sounds so bad is because you mixing opinion commentary shows with the regular news, and because your clipping in the most compelling portions.. Having said that Fox News continues to win the most independent awards for accuracy for decades, and has the highest ratings I might add. But beside all this it looks bad because there is so much truth in these stories and not spin and deception that the DNC machine and their followers are used to. So Yeah, from a lamp lighted perspective it looks awful for the Dems on election.

  18. The reason why it sounds so bad is because you mixing opinion commentary shows with the regular news, and because your clipping in the most compelling portions.. Having said that Fox News continues to win the most independent awards for accuracy for decades, and has the highest ratings I might add. But beside all this it looks bad because there is so much truth in these stories and not spin and deception that the DNC machine and their followers are used to. So Yeah, from a lamp lighted perspective it looks awful for the Dems on election.

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