Khmer Political News | Cambodia News | Khmer Hot News Facebook, 23-April-2017

Khmer Political News | Cambodia News | Khmer Hot News Facebook, 23-April-2017

Credit : FB

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  1. ស្រុកខ្មែរបើមានមនុស្សអាអាចង្កៀងមុាំងសុងអញហៅវាអាឆ្កែឬអាស្វាទើបសមនឹងវាពីព្រោះវាខំទ្រពងអាខ្វៈសព្វថ្ងៃនេះក្រែងអាខ្វៈអោយមេដៃអាឆ្កែនេះ

  2. Haet ey pourk ah monos aus nis pourk vear jol jit tver kachas youn malas pourk ah ort kor aus nis kong tae youn dam kbal hang tver tae ung huey ah norok jbab nove kaduy mae ah hang

  3. Mok ah joymaray ang nung mok khmers krohorm duch ma hang ah kvak Ah joymaray mok ah hang polpot sut ah tai hong

  4. Stop barking your mother fucker you fucking vetnames slavery u fucking khmers ruth your face looks really really polpot u really no brain

  5. Min dung may ah chae na ta der som luy ka huey merl geay ka teart pourk ah nis touk duch tae may vear onjung pourk ah norok

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